
Saturday, June 9, 2012

May 2, 2011 - Jang Mi and Kyuhyun Celebrated Their 5-year Friendship

Super Junior Kyuhyun and G-Star Jang Mi close relationship isn't new to the fans. Both of them who are currently busy promoting in Taiwan, took some time off from their works to spend with each other.

Sounds wrong? 

Kyuhyun and Jang Mi celebrated their 5-year friendship with friendship necklaces and an outing together.

Kyuhyun tweeted: 5 years! I don't know how I put up with your attitude that long! @gstar_rose

 Jang Mi didn't reply to his tweet but tweeted:

 @GaemGyu: Which one is yours? If you lose it I'm throwing you for the sharks to eat you! May our friendship lasts for more than 10 years!

Is it really friendship? It looks like they are celebrating their 5th year anniversary as a couple. And that couple necklace...

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